Why Consider ISO 9001 2000 Registration?

A UK company wins a huge contract to sell components to a factory in North Carolina.

A Swiss firm becomes the leading supplier of power line filters in the U.S.

A Japanese electronics conglomerate out bids several European manufacturers for a project in South America.

These are not isolated events, but rather an indication that we have entered a new age in commerce.

Today, more and more business and industry leaders realize that in order to thrive, or even survive, in the new global economy, their companies must become truly world-class.

And that means quality.

Quality in your products and services. Quality in your practices and procedures. Quality you maintain and you can prove - because it is documented.

Quality as a competitive weapon.

And that is the reason for the growing move to ISO 9000 2000 certification.

The best companies are starting to insist on it. Your competitors may already be pursuing it. And if you plan to do business in Europe or Japan, it is absolutely essential.

With the onset of the ISO 9000 quality standards, manufacturers are gearing up for conformance to remain competitive and to distinguish themselves from competing suppliers.

As international trade and the attention to quality issues has increased, the need for an international quality standard became critical. Some companies are driven to become compliant because of internal operational efficiencies that can lead to dramatic productivity increases and reduced costs.

Many companies implement ISO 9000 programs as a foundation for Total Quality Management (TQM) programs.

Why has ISO 9000 become so important?

  • A 2002 poll* of 500 U.S. purchasers of electronics revealed that two-thirds of them will call for ISO 9000 conformance by 2005.
  • The same is true in industry after industry and many government agencies as well.
  • For the first time, there is one internationally accepted standard of quality. There is a way to determine and measure that quality. There is even a way to prove it.
  • The time has passed to take a "wait and see" attitude for most industries. The chances are good and increasing that your company, or your competition, will be seeking ISO 9000 2000 certification in the next three to five years. ISO 9000 is fast becoming the de facto across industries throughout the world.

    If you think that your business is ready to join the world class business club then contact Driso Consultancy Services and see if your business can pass the world class business challenge.

    This Article was Provided by a Driso Consultant.

    Driso provide ISO 9001 2000 consultancy, auditing, software, and training Services.
    They also supply Easy ISO 9001 2000® software for initially setting up an ISO 9001 2000 compliant Quality Management System or improving upon an existing one.
    Click here to contact Driso Consultancy Services. See what they can do for you and your business.

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